Doing good with archaeology
@ EAA, Session 406 / 31 August, 8:30 -16:00
What is LOGGIA about?
Exploring how archaeology can contribute to wellbeing
LOGGIA conceives archaeology as a mean of promoting inclusion, enabling people to connect with the past and activating their interests and memories
Archaeology and wellbeing
in Italy
Archaeology, nature and creativity were the three main ingredients of our ArcheologicaMente programme in Tuscany, aiming to restore a footpath leading to the unexcavated remains of Vignale Castle
Archaeology and wellbeing
in Cyprus
Participants in our ΑρχαιοΛογικά programme reflected on the concept of abandonment by engaging with the sacred landscape of the Xeros River valley through photography.
Hosted at the
Trinity College Dublin
The project is based at the Department of Classics, within the iconic campus
in the heart of Dublin’s city centre
Investigating community wellbeing
Feeling well together! Wellbeing is not only a property of the individual, but it may emerge from the encounters between individuals and between individuals, places and archaeology. LOGGIA’s main focus is to investigate the link between community wellbeing and archaeology.
Focusing on the Mediterranean
In the Mediterranean, many digs and surveys run every year, but so far only a few community archaeology projects have researched wellbeing. LOGGIA will work with two case studies in Italy and Cyprus.
Designing tailored activities
Archaeology is about fieldwork! To investigate community wellbeing and archaeology, LOGGIA will design and perform tailored activities with a focus on the historic landscape, engaging with different publics and assessing their involvement through a new evaluation framework.
Including persons with disabilities
Opportunities for collaboration should be always open for everybody, especially for those who are most affected by disadvantages. The activities will involve persons with specific disabilities. With the support of their doctors and within their recovery path, they will participate alongside their families and carers, and groups of stakeholders.
Engaging through a digital environment
Digital archaeology can provide unpredictable possibilities. LOGGIA will evaluate activities based on archaeology and running in a digital environment to enhance accessibility, interaction, and fun for persons with disabilities.
Producing an ethnographic video
More than numbers and charts! A short movie will narrate LOGGIA’s main activities and raise the awareness on disability and wellbeing.
LOGGIA is funded by the European Union’s MSCA programme as Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are the EU’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training. Postdoctoral Fellowships support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research and innovation.